Saturday, November 8, 2008


Welcome to Modern.Chic.Stylish - a site that allows the fashionable to be in the know about the latest sales and discounts. 

Glamour magazine recently defined 'recessionista' as 'one who manages to look totes (totally) stylish despite hard economic times'. We are only reminded everyday in the media that the economy is doing poorly - that doesn't mean the modern woman can't still look good. It just means she has to be a little creative. Whether it is scoping out the latest samples sales or taking advantage of the many store promotions being advertised, the modern, chic, and stylish woman always knows how to look her best. 

1 comment:

alicefelicia said...

HAHA recessionista, I read about that, and I don't think people NEED to be recessionistas, you can still value quality over quantity!